"He led all the way, and top English GM Michael Adams never let it slip. He won the eight player round robin event with 5.5/7 and a 2822 performance. Second was Chinese GM Zhang Pengxiang, third and fourth were shared by GM Gabriel Sargissian, Armenia, and Indian GM Koneru Humpy. A special guest at the tournament was Spanish playwright and chess aficionado Fernando Arrabal." - Chessbase
Chess Blog List
KEJOHANAN CERDIK CATUR PIALA EVO MALL BANGI 4.0 (2 FEBRUARI 2025) - 📣Salam sejahtera, catur kembali lagi tahun ini di Evo Mall 🎉‼️‼️ 🔛 KEJOHANAN CERDIK CATUR PIALA EVO MALL BANGI 4.0✨ 🔜Tarikh: 2 Februari 2025 (A...1 month ago
The Malaysian 45th Chess Olympiad Budapest Teams in ChessBase India Portal - 45th Chess Olympiad 2024 Budapest Surely as a chess enthusiast and former chess blogger, GiLocatur followed the just concluded 45th Chess Olympiad which...5 months ago
Daftar Slot Online Langsung Dapat Bonus Super Besar - Daftar Slot Online Langsung Dapat Bonus – Beberapa orang suka bermain ponton atau poker yang belum dipotong. Tidak banyak tekanan untuk membuat keputusan...1 year ago
Chess Calendar of Activities Year 2020 - Calendar of Chess Activities Year 2020 (MCF website https://malaysiachess.org/mcf-chess-calendar-2020/)5 years ago
KEJOHANAN ANTARABANGSA TERBUKA LANGKAWI 2020@21&22 Mac 2020 - FLYER KEJOHANAN ANTARABANGSA TERBUKA LANGKAWI 2020 Sebarang pertanyaan atau mana-mana organisasi yang ingin mendapatkan surat jemputan boleh la hubunggi 0...5 years ago
Incident at KL Chess Classic - My student was playing against the adult player, Lim Sim Leong A closed position was reached and both sides started repeating moves. Student offered a draw...5 years ago
Court case regarding wakaf land - https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2019/11/21/penang-islamic-authority-turned-land-into-wakaf-without-heirs-consent-court-hears/ Penang Islam...5 years ago
Puteri Munajjah Az-Zahraa binti Azhar is our new Women International Master (WIM)! - Malaysian welcome our new WIM - Puteri Munajjah Az-Zahraa binti Azhar who won the Girls Under 16&18 category at the 4th Eastern Asian Youth Chess Champion...5 years ago
MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU, IA ABDUL LATIF MOHAMAD - I knew competitive chess in 1996 when I was in IIUM Matriculation in Lembah Pantai. The first tournament I entered was IIUM Open held at IIUM Main Campus...6 years ago
Olahragawan UTM 2016 (Kategori Staf) - Alhamdulillah, tanggal 16 Mei 2017, buat kali kedua telah dinobatkan sebagai Olahragawan UTM 2016 selepas kali pertama telah ambo menangi pada tahun 2013. ...7 years ago
2016: Me and Chess. - Hi all... Long time not updating this blog..dah berkarat. Rumors: NC and NWC at Sabah ? Buat kat Sabah ..tak dapat nak main ler..kurang bajet & persiapan. ...9 years ago
KEPUTUSAN PEKAN OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 - Semalam berakhirlah sudah kejohanan pekan open yang berlangsung selama dua hari dari 24-25 oktober 2015 lapan pusingan,kawalan masa 45minit + 15 saat denga...9 years ago
THE MULTI TALENTED MR RAHIM RAMLI - *25 years ago * I had one of the most frightening moment when suddenly, 25 years ago, in year 1990, my school discipline teacher by the name of Cikgu Rahimi...9 years ago
7 second chess tactic - Black to move. How should black proceed? Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar9 years ago
Laman Web PCNK Berwajah Baru - Setelah lama beroperasi di *blogspot.com*, pihak PCNK merasa telah tiba masanya untuk berpindah ke alamat baru, selaras dengan perubahan jawatankuasa dilan...9 years ago
1st Johor International Chess Open 2014 - *1st Johor International Chess Open 2014* Venue : City Square, Johor Bahru Date : 1st December – 6th December 2014 Tournament Regulation...10 years ago
KEDAI CATUR OPEN PADA 20 HB HINGGA 21HB JUN - Kejohanan catur terbuka Kedaicatur.com akan dilansungkan pada 20hb hingga 21hb Jun di Unisza Kampus Gong Badak Kuala Terengganu.Kejohanan terbuka kepada s...10 years ago
GEMPAR!!! Gambar Misteri Masjid Di Atas Gunung [SAKSIKAN...] | Berita OMG™ | Blog Isu Hangat, Semasa Dan Terkini - GEMPAR!!! Gambar Misteri Masjid Di Atas Gunung [SAKSIKAN...] | Berita OMG™ | Blog Isu Hangat, Semasa Dan Terkini GEMPAR!!! Gambar Misteri Masjid Di Atas Gun...11 years ago
JOHAN : 1st Sandakan Speedmaster 2013 - Alhamdulillah kerana dimurahkan rezeki. Prize giving yang sempoi Final Standing Crosstable Final round vs Mr. David Tan Playing white against Mr. Davi...11 years ago
MSSMKL 2013 Final (Menengah Individu) - L18 - Keputusan Pusingan Kelima Pairing Pusingan Keenam12 years ago
Monday, April 14, 2008
Michael Adams wins Second Ruy López International in Mérida
Sunday, April 13, 2008
12th Chessmaster Bandaraya Johor Bahru Open
Date & Time :Sunday - 20th April 2008 from 8.30 am to 5.30pm
Time Control : Swiss System of 7 rounds with 25 minutes per player to complete game
Entry Fee : Entry Fees for the open category : RM50
Entry fee for under 16 : RM12
Entry Fee for under 16 : RM10.00
Closing Date : 18th April 2008
Prizes : ( 10 cash prizes )
Open Category : RM1500, RM1000, RM700, RM600, RM400, RM200,RM200, RM200
RM200, RM200
Under 16 : RM300, RM200, RM100, RM80, RM70, RM50m RM50, RM50, RM50
Under 12 : RM200, RM150, RM60, RM70, RM60, RM50, RM50,RM50, RM50, RM50
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Samurai Chess: Mastering Art of the Mind (Paperback)
A Guide for Chess Players at All Levels
"With expertise, passion, and skillful storytelling, Gelb and Keene bring together two fascinating sports of body and mind"
—George Leonard, author of Mastery and The Ultimate Athlete
Whether you are just learning the game, are an intermediate player, or are an expert, Samurai Chess will offer you special advice through the unique collaboration of its authors. A world leader in creative strategy, Michael Gelb has a third degree black belt in aikido and is an accomplished chess player in his own right. Author of more than 100 books, Raymond Keene is an International Chess Grandmaster with a sixth kyu certificate in aikido. Merging their skills and interests, they have created an uncommon book that adapts the seven samurai principles to the game of chess.
These principles are a prescription for victory, and by demonstrating how each can be applied, the authors offer a wealth of original advice on improving your game. At the same time, they make clear how playing chess will help develop your talent as a strategic thinker. Gelb and Keene offer new ideas on achieving razor-sharp mental fitness–from training techniques to lessons and strategic decisions from chess and martial arts grandmasters.
To Gelb and Keene, chess is both a scintillating game and a metaphor for success in business, life, and any creative enterprise. As they say, "in mastering chess, you master in microcosm all forms of combat and strategy, for any application you choose."